
This is an old revision of the document!


- 2nd inventory page not working correct
- karma bug fixed, players with negative karma reset to 0Karma
Adding friend button in UI
fix leave and join party problem
fix EX bug (no more xp after pary)
some general UI bugs
Steam bugs (Steam API bugs)
fixed Flag bugs
fixed quest language problems jerro
added quest NPC Jerro
opened 3 more maps (fix bug with teleport)
fixed bugs of the offline shop not working
changed some wrong drops of enemies
fixed some smaller UI bugs
Changed gold drops
fixed 100% defense against bow necklace
NPCs Teleport ⇒ Maps, Items, Skill (you can use them but not upgrade to the next stage) fixed
Inventory freezes fixed
Halfdemons AOE skills attacks other players (even on friendly) → many users has thousands of minus honor now and get attacked by other players because aggressive (they can’t play) fixed
You can’t buy stuff from playershops
you get random items from playershops
respawn not possible fixed
dead on horse no respawn possible fixed
Warrior (some skills) wrong DMG
some Weapons are wrong they have generic name and should not be in the game like towhanded… (will delete them/change them)
looking all other skills and damage (from other classes)
repair some drops in deadland, ice and desert
lifesteal is 0% at some skills!
removed overpowered STAFFS from the game
removed overpowered HALF-DEMON SWORDS from the game
removed overpowered SWORDS from the game
removed overpowered 2HAND SWORDS from the game
removed overpowered WANDS from the game
remove all the overpowered weapons form the drops
changed wizard heal skill
fix some drops (to early high items)
changed Flags over the hard to see enemies of you correct
added more logs to server to find the crash/kick problems
added some pets bonus, pets have now better bonus
  • update211219.1596814663.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/01/10 13:29
  • (external edit)