
This is an old revision of the document!

All values are recorded on Level 60, WITHOUT equipment and with maximal Character Status - VIT: X; INT: X; STR: X; DEX: X!

Name of th Skill Character's class Skilltype Effect
Sword Prowess Fighter Selfbuff Increases damage

Character's class: Body Skill type: Selfbuff Effect: Increases damage

Level 1 M1 G1 P
MP cost:
Name Level Damage Cooldown MP cost Targets Splash Damage Status effect Duration Chance HP
Sword Prowess 1
Name Level Damage Cooldown MP cost Targets Splash Damage Status effect Duration Chance HP
Grand Master
Name Level Damage Cooldown MP cost Targets Splash Damage Status effect Duration Chance HP
Name Level Damage Cooldown MP cost Targets Splash Damage Status effect Duration Chance HP
Status effect
Name Level Duration Chance HP
  • sword_prowess.1577574645.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/01/10 13:29
  • (external edit)